Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Breaks Record


United States Postal Service letter carriers didn’t just collect mail on Stamp Out Hunger day - the nation’s largest one-day food drive led by the National Association of Letter Carriers - they broke last year’s record.

Postal carriers were on a mission to pick up non-perishable food left by Central Texans at their mailboxes. As the hunger-fighting force made their way from one residence to the next, thanks to the support of our community, 175,319 pounds of food was collected in one day to help feed families facing hunger.

Our neighbors' response is truly remarkable. They helped raise almost 30,000 more pounds of food than last year, providing 146,099 meals for families struggling to make ends meet.

Leading the most food collected for another year was the Balcones post office with almost 15,000 pounds of food gathered.

Stamp Out Hunger made it simple for the community to get involved. To participate, they could fill an H-E-B donated paper bag with non-perishable items and place it next to their mailbox to be picked up by their mail carrier and be delivered to the Food Bank.

We can’t wait to see how much next year’s food drive will bring in!