Mother of Coast Guard Veteran Receives Groceries to Make Nourishing Thanksgiving Meal


With Thanksgiving, approaching, Sylvia, a retired mother to a Coast Guard veteran, visits the Central Texas Food Bank turkey distribution in at McCormick Middle School. Originally, from San Antonio, Sylvia, along with her son, now resides in Kyle, Texas, where she is adapting to the suburban lifestyle. Living in a household of six family members, they support each other in every possible way. Living in a household with six, Sylvia’s family supports each other in every way possible, but sometimes it can be hard to make meet. “It’s hard right now because everything is going up, including the cost of living, so what they give us is a great help for our family,” Sylvia says about the help they receive from the Food Bank.

After undergoing back surgery, she is doing her utmost to support her family. Sylvia has to cut back on her budget for groceries to pay for living expenses. Before retiring, Sylvia worked as a house cleaner for 22 years. "I am just living one day at a time and trying to do the best for my family," Sylvia said. Sylvia moved to Kyle to live with her son, who served in the Coast Guard for 20 years. With the increased cost of living, the family avoids travel expenses by staying in Kyle. The part of Thanksgiving Sylvia enjoys the most is watching her family come together around a full table. Her favorite dish to make during Thanksgiving is a fruit salad. "Thanks to the Food Bank, we'll have what we need to make a dinner for Thanksgiving; I look forward to it," Sylvia said.

The Food Bank's assistance was a tremendous help for the family, as the high cost of living and expensive holiday food items would have otherwise made it difficult to budget for a festive meal. With the Food Bank's support, Sylvia could provide her family with all their Thanksgiving favorites, including green beans, ensuring a joyful celebration.

Sylvia gives back by taking refreshments to the volunteers during the hot summer days. She is thankful for all the volunteers who help her feed her family. "There's a lot of people that need the assistance, so what you guys do is much appreciated," Sylvia said.

She is grateful for the assistance provided by the Food Bank, stating that it would have been difficult for her to have a Thanksgiving meal without the help of volunteers and others who made it possible for her to have a feast. "We appreciate the Food Bank and volunteer's help because we wouldn't have a meal without them. We're very grateful for the help," Sylvia said.

Our generous members of our community make a difference in the lives of people like Sylvia, who rely on this assistance during tough times. Please consider making a gift to the Food Bank to give back this holiday season. Every little bit helps, and your generosity today significantly impacts the lives of the most vulnerable among us. Donate today.