Johnny's Selected Seeds is Helping the Food Bank Garden Grow


As each day passes, the Food Bank’s garden grows greener. We are excited to see the garden come together. The organic produce that is being grown will be distributed to families in need. The garden serves as a replicable model of sustainable growing practices and will teach clients the importance of how to eat healthy using their own backyard.

We would especially like to thank Johnny’s Selected Seeds for donating thousands of seeds to the Food Bank through their Charitable Giving Program. Once the produce grows, clients will have access to organic beans, peas, carrots, beets, parsley, personal-sized watermelons, melons, squash, Swiss chard, basil, cilantro and dill seeds. The cilantro and beans have already sprouted. We can’t wait to see the rest of the harvest. Check out Johnny’s Selected Seeds in action:

Johnny's Seeds Charitable Giving Program Donates to Food Bank from Central Texas Food Bank on Vimeo.