The Classes are Full of Life


In addition to helping feed hungry families in Central Texas, the Food Bank also provides nutrition education to help all members of our community.

In an effort to meet the health needs of our youngest clients, we have expanded services to include Breastfeeding Education to encourage, educate and support families in their breastfeeding efforts.

Our four week Breastfeeding Beginnings class series at Annunciation Maternity Home educates a unique group of young moms who all live together as they navigate the process of preparing for a baby and becoming a parent.

The classes are full of life. These moms are eager to learn and ask many questions as we discuss how important and beneficial breastfeeding is for their babies. We cover topics such as getting a free breast pump from their insurance provider, the benefits of breastfeeding for at least a year and tips for talking with their employer about expressing milk when returning to work.

To demonstrate perceived barriers to breastfeeding, during our second class, each mom was given a pair of chopsticks and a bowl with 10 blueberries. They’re asked to simply move the blueberries to a napkin using the chopsticks. Naturally, the majority of moms say, “I can’t, I don’t know how”, however, one by one, every single mom successfully moves all 10 blueberries. This activity, illustrates several of the main concerns that mothers often have, “I don’t know how”, and “I’ve never done it before”. Building a mother’s confidence in her ability to provide for her baby is usually all that’s needed to help them breastfeed successfully.

In our fourth class, we discussed the process of introducing complimentary foods into a breastfed baby’s diet and the role breastfeeding plays in preparing the baby for different flavors. In this hands-on class, the moms were able to make homemade baby food using fresh peaches and cooked chicken. With the help of a mom who eagerly volunteered to lend a hand, we prepared Peach Chicken Dinner. All 13 participants were excited to go home and try out the recipe they had learned.

 Although society tells moms that they “should” breastfeed, we must also give them the “how” if we want them to be successful. All moms regardless of circumstance need support and guidance during the transition to motherhood. If we provide them that support and education, we empower them to reach their own goals, including breastfeeding.

For more information or to schedule a class, contact Mellissa Alvarado, Breastfeeding Peer Counselor at (512) 684-2207 or email