Food Pantry Truck for Veterans and Furloughed Federal Workers set for Thursday, January 24, 2019, at the Temple VA

The Central Texas Food Bank mobile pantry will be in Temple as regularly scheduled the 4th Thursday to provide food security to Veterans as well as to furloughed government employees

The Central Texas Food Bank mobile food pantry will make its regularly scheduled distribution on Thursday, January 24, from 9 to 11 a.m. near the valet parking entrance at the Olin E. Teague Veterans’ Medical Center located at 1901 Veterans Memorial Drive in Temple. 

 Central Texas Veterans Health Care System is proud to partner with the Central Texas Food Bank to provide food security to those in need.  The Central Texas Food Bank’s mobile pantry service for Veterans is part of the Veterans Pantry Pilot (VPP) program from Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger-relief organization, in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) since 2016. The program normally provides food assistance to Veterans onsite at VA Medical Centers, but with the continued government shutdown, the decision was made to also assist furloughed government employees who were also in need of food security.   

Due to the special circumstances of this distribution, instead of the normally available items, clients will receive a box of food with shelf stable items along with a bag of produce. The Food Bank is prepared to serve up to 850 people on Thursday and will also be providing information on other locations to get food within its Central Texas network.

“The Central Texas Food Bank is committed to helping the thousands of Central Texas federal employees who suddenly find themselves in need as a result of the partial government shutdown,” said Derrick Chubbs, President & CEO of the Central Texas Food Bank. “We’re glad to be able to expand our monthly mobile food pantry distribution at the Temple VA to include furloughed federal employees. We hope that the food and resources we provide will help them get through this difficult time.”’

By taking food directly to clients, the Food Bank’s mobile food pantries fill geographic and service gaps in food assistance by providing those in need with basic staples, fruits and vegetables. Last year, the Central Texas Food Bank’s mobile pantry program provided more than 3.1 million pounds of food through 50 sites across Central Texas, serving an average of 16,216 individuals each month throughout the Food Bank’s 21-county service area.

Central Texas Veterans Health Care System works with the Central Texas Food Bank’s VPP mobile food pantry for veterans at its three main locations.  Regularly scheduled monthly visits are normally set for 9 to 11 a.m. unless otherwise announced as listed below:

Austin VA Outpatient Clinic:  4th Tuesday every month Temple Olin E. Teague Veterans’ Medical Center:  4th Thursday each month Waco Doris Miller Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center: 1st Wednesday each month.


Media interested in attending the event should call Deborah Meyer at 254-743-2376 or 254-534-0304.


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